Alex Kot
IEEE Fellow & IES Fellow
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Alex Kot (IEEE Fellow) has been with the Nanyang
Technological University (NTU), Singapore since
1991. He headed the Division of Information
Engineering at the School of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering (EEE) for eight years. He was
the Vice Dean Research and Associate Chair
(Research) for the School of EEE for three years,
overseeing the research activities for the School
with over 200 faculty members. He was the Associate
Dean (Graduate Studies) for the College of
Engineering (COE) for eight years. He is currently
the Director of ROSE Lab [Rapid(Rich) Object SEearch
Lab) and the Director of NTU-PKU Joint Research
Institue . He has published extensively with over
300 technical papers in the areas of signal
processing for communication, biometrics
recognition, authentication, image forensics,
machine learning and AI. He has two USA and one
Singapore patents granted.
Dr. Kot served as Associate Editor for a number of
IEEE transactions, including IEEE TSP, IMM, TCSVT,
etc. He was a TC member for several IEEE Technical
Committee in SPS and CASS. He has served the IEEE in
various capacities such as the General Co-Chair for
the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing (ICIP) and area/track chairs for several
IEEE flagship conferences. He also served as the
IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished
Lecturer Program Coordinator and the Chapters Chair
for IEEE Signal Processing Chapters worldwide. He
received the Best Teacher of The Year Award at NTU,
the Microsoft MSRA Award and as a co-author for
several award papers. He was elected as the IEEE CAS
Distinguished Lecturer in 2005. He was a Vice
President in the Signal Processing Society and IEEE
Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer. He
is now a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering,
Singapore, a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IES.
Inkyu Lee
IEEE Fellow
Korea University, South Korea
Lee received the B.S. degree (Hons.) in control and
instrumentation engineering from Seoul National
University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1990, and the
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, in 1992
and 1995, respectively. From 1995 to 2002, he was a
Member of the Technical Staff with Bell
Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ,
USA, where he studied high-speed wireless system
designs. Since 2002, he has been with Korea
University, Seoul, where he is currently a Professor
with the School of Electrical Engineering. In 2009,
he was a Visiting Professor with the University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. He was
the Department Head of the School of Electrical
Engineering, Korea University, from 2019 to 2021. He
has authored or coauthored more than 220 journal
articles in IEEE publications and holds 30 U.S.
patents granted or pending. His research interests
include digital communications and signal processing
techniques applied for next-generation wireless
systems. He was elected as a member of the National
Academy of Engineering of Korea, in 2015. He was a
recipient of the IT Young Engineer Award from the
IEEE/IEEK Joint Award in 2006, the Best Paper Award
from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference in
2009, the Best Research Award from the Korean
Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
in 2011, the Best Paper Award from the IEEE
International Symposium on Intelligent Signal
Processing and Communication Systems in 2013, the
Best Young Engineer Award from the National Academy
of Engineering of Korea in 2013, and the Korea
Engineering Award from the National Research
Foundation of Korea in 2017. He was a TPC Co-Chair
of the IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC), in 2022. He served as an
Associate Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
COMMUNICATIONS, from 2001 to 2011, and IEEE
to 2011. He was the Chief Guest Editor of the IEEE
Issue on ‘‘4G wireless systems’’ in 2006. He serves
as the Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of
Communications and Networks. He is the Director of
‘‘Augmented Cognition Meta-Communication’’ ERC
Research Center awarded from the National Research
Foundation of Korea. He is an IEEE fellow and a
Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE
Steven Guan
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Steven Guan received his BSc. from Tsinghua University and M.Sc. (1987) & Ph.D.
from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is currently a
Professor and the Director for Research Institute of Big Data Analytics at Xi'an
Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). He served the head of department position
at XJTLU for 4.5 years, creating the department from scratch and now in shape.
Before joining XJTLU, he was a tenured professor and chair in intelligent
systems at Brunel University, UK. Prof. Guan has worked in a prestigious R&D
organization for several years, serving as a design engineer, project leader,
and department manager. After leaving the industry, he joined the academia for
three and half years. He served as deputy director for the Computing Center and
the chairman for the Department of Information & Communication Technology. Later
he joined the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at National
University of Singapore as an associate professor for 8 years.