Invited Speakers

Prof. Tasos Dagiuklas
London South Bank University, UK

I am Professor at Computer Science and Informatics Division, London South Bank University, carrying out research and teaching activities in the field of Cloud Computing and Future Internet Technologies. I am the Head for Cognitive Systems Research centre carrying out research in the areas of robotics, autonomous systems and smart Internet technologies for smart cities, smart health and smart manufacturing verticals.

I obtained my PhD in Electronics Systems Engineering from the University of Essex and my MSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Patras-Greece. My research focuses on the areas of 5G networking technologies (O-RAN, IAB, UAV-Swarm, Edge/Fog Computing), Network Automation Technologies (NFV orchestration, error-resilient control plane, programmable data-planes with P4), and QoE for immersive media applications (e.g. 360 video, AR/VR, volumetric video, point-cloud).
My research work has been published in leading IEEE Journals and published in prestigious conferences such IEEE ICC, GLOBECOM and ICME. I have served as a Chair for IEEE MMTC 3DIG WG and Vice-Chair for IEEE MMTC QoE WG and Key Member for IEEE MMTC MSIG and 3DRPC WGs. I have served as Associate Technical Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine and served as Guest Editor in many scientific journals. I am currently serving on the Editorial Board for EURASIP on Image and Video processing, ELSEVIER Signal Processing: Image Communications and MDPI Energies.

Prof. Gyu Myoung Lee
Liverpol Jonn Moores University, UK

Gyu Myoung Lee is a professor at the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK. He is also affiliated with KAIST, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea, as an Adjunct Professor since 2012. Before joining the LJMU in 2014, he worked at the Institut Mines-Telecom from 2008. Until 2012, he was invited to work at ETRI, Rep. of Korea. He worked as a research professor at KAIST, Rep. of Korea and as a guest researcher at NIST, USA, in 2007.
His research interests include Internet of Things, digital twin, computational trust, blockchain with privacy preservation, data and AI governance, knowledge centric networking and services considering all vertical services, Smart Grid, energy saving networks, cloud-based big data analytics platform and multimedia networking and services.
Prof. Lee has been actively participating in standardization meetings including ITU-T SG 13 and SG20, IETF and oneM2M, etc., and currently serves as a Working Party chair and the Rapporteur of Q16/13 on trustworthy networking and services and Q4/20 on data analytics, sharing, processing and management in ITU-T. He is the Vice-Chair of ITU-T FG-AN and FG-AI4A as well as the Convenor of CG-AIoT and Web3-adhoc. He was also the chair of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management (FG-DPM). He has contributed more than 500 proposals for standards and published more than 200 papers in academic journals and conferences. He received several Best Paper Awards in international and domestic conferences and served as a reviewer of IEEE journals/conference papers and an organizer/member of committee of international conferences. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.
Prof. Lee received his BS degree in electronic and electrical engineering from Hong Ik University, Seoul, Rep. of Korea, in 1999 and MS, and PhD. degree from KAIST, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea, in 2000 and 2007, respectively.

Assoc. Prof. Henrique Mamede
Universidade Aberta, Portugal

Henrique S. Mamede, Associate Professor with Habilitation in Department of Sciences and Technology of Portuguese Open University. Ph. D. in Information Systems and Technologies, M. Sc. in Informatics, B. Sc. in Computer Engineering, Post-graduation in Information Management. Director of the master's in Information and Enterprise Systems. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral Program in Web Science and Technology. Senior Researcher at INESC TEC.